Conceptions Southwest (CSW) is the premier literature and arts publication created by and for the University of New Mexico community. Its staff consists entirely of student volunteers, directed by an editor-in-chief selected by the UNM Student Publications Board.

Since its inception in 1978, CSW has evolved into the annual publication it is today, providing a forum for literature and arts at UNM. Eclipsing its forty-first year in production, CSW continues to contribute to the UNM creative community and legacy.

CSW accepts creative work from all UNM undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education students; faculty; staff; and alumni. The submission categories are short fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, visual art, photography, and open media, which encompasses any art form not otherwise listed, including but not limited to video, music, screenwriting, comics, architecture, and art that defies categorization.

Submissions for the 2025 edition are open!

For more information, please email us at